UK Jamf Training Championed by Influential Software

Adding to our existing training portfolio, Influential Software has become the one and only UK Jamf Training Partner. This means we now provide the full range of Jamf Pro training. As well as delivering the Jamf curriculum ourselves, we’re also your source for booking classes with Jamf’s own trainers.
Our Jamf classes in 2020 are filling up fast. Book early to reserve your place.
UK Jamf Training Partnership
Given our success in Apple training, it was natural for Jamf to choose Influential Software to provide UK Jamf training.
Alongside our London centre for classroom-based courses, we also offer private Jamf training anywhere in the country.
Find full details of the courses we offer on our Jamf Pro training website.
Why Train in Jamf?
With 20 of the top 25 Fortune 500 companies using Jamf, this training is valuable for anyone in Apple management. Simply, Jamf is the industry standard for Apple Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM).
While you can take the Jamf 100 course online, most employers will want a higher Jamf certification. That isn’t just Fortune 500 companies—it includes 30,000 organisations worldwide. Around 14,000 of those are schools, but marketing groups and technology companies also use Jamf.
Essentially, Jamf training is key to advancement in Apple EMM.
What You Gain from Jamf Training
First, each successful Jamf trainee receives a badge on their Jamf Nation profile. Hardware, software, and printed materials are all provided. All Jamf Pro courses last four days, from 9am to 5pm. The training is hands-on and practical: you’ll work with challenges and scenarios that reflect your real job. So when you go back to work, you’ll be ready to jump in with Jamf expertise.
Jamf Pro Courses
Our certified Jamf trainers teach all the official courses for Jamf Pro.
Jamf 200 Course: Gain a core understanding of Jamf Pro and get your Jamf Certified Tech badge.
Jamf 300 Course: Deepen your knowledge of Jamf Pro and become a Jamf Certified Admin.
Jam 400 Course: Reach Jamf Certified Expert level, the highest Jamf certification.
Looking to succeed in Apple management?